Hi, I hope that I am at the right place. I am new to Adobe Captivate.
Where can I get advanced training? I purchased a course on Udemy, that gave me the basics of the layout. I am interested in the tricks of the trades, workflows, best practices, master slides, themes, project approaches etc.
Here are a few things I really battle with the last two weeks through trial error, youtube videos etc.
My theme default does not work, I right-click set as default nothing happens. When I then import the theme it only changes some features. As an example it will change the note style but not the colour. The font size but not font type. I need this set-up as we need to capture 300 simulations and will help cut down on editing if themes/templates can be set up according to company branding upfront with there preferred colours and look and feel.
When I copy slides from one project to another the feature break, like a next button will disappear or change its properties etc. Sometimes I have to build a slide in one project and want to use it in another project but then it does not want to copy or like mentioned some feature will copy across but not everything. I cleared the cache and restarted the computer and then seemed to work for a short while.
I have captured simulations at screen resolution 1024 x 768, and when I preview on my laptop that simulation bottom half gets cut off. I cant see the next button at the bottom as an example. When I change my laptop screen resolution back to 1090 x 1080 I can see it. I thought the whole idea of capturing at 1024 x 768 is for those users that do not have big screens?
Please, visit my website. I explain extensively my view on personalized advanced training. It may be fitting for you or not. The term ‘advanced training’ is understood in many ways. To me it means that the trainee has acquired already skills, that may need to be optimized and supplemented by missing skills. Different for each person, hence the term ‘personalized’ which I used often. Somewhere in this portal I wrote a blog about personalized training, but cannot find it at this moment. Maybe disappeared because ‘too old’?
Themes are very well underestimated and barely included in any training you may look for. If you google for Captivate themes there is a big chance that you’ll find my nickname ‘Lilybiri’ because I have published lot of blogs about themes. You can get an overview in this article which includes a downloadable pdf with links to most of those blog posts. Even possible that you find some answers to your present questions:
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