September 8, 2020
Deliver Customized Reports and Meet ROI Objectives
September 8, 2020
Deliver Customized Reports and Meet ROI Objectives
Staff 6 posts
Followers: 4 people

The August 2020 release of Adobe Captivate Prime features a fully revamped Reports feature, showcasing the new Admin Dashboard, a powerful engine that tracks all the many components of Training, helping you maximize returns on your company’s ROI.

At a high level the Admin Dashboard helps you to:

  1. Track Usage,
  2. Track effectiveness of Trainings, and
  3. Drive Training Strategy

This document will take you through the Dashboard’s features that support the fulfillment of these requirements:

Deliver Customized Reports and Meet ROI Objectives – Customer Guide. Feel free to download and peruse at your convenience

Compared to the older functionality of reporting in Prime, the Admin Dashboard provides you a lot more information at a glance, where previously you might have had to export separate Learner Transcripts or Training reports and then perform various analytics to retrieve the information you want. We have tried to better anticipate your Admin requirements with the introduction of the Admin Dashboard. We hope we’ve succeeded!

Do contact your CSAM any assistance with the Dashboard. For further support please do contact For feedback on this document please write to

2021-01-12 14:05:36
2021-01-12 14:05:36

Fantastic overview of the new reporting dashboards and tools in Adobe Captivate Prime. I love these!

2020-11-04 06:47:27
2020-11-04 06:47:27

Thank you all for your likes and comments. If there is more such information you seek about the various uses and features of the Adobe Captivate Prime LMS, please do reach out to me at

2020-11-03 23:31:08
2020-11-03 23:31:08

Thank. This was useful.

2020-10-16 09:27:02
2020-10-16 09:27:02

Thank you, informative post.

2020-09-09 19:42:45
2020-09-09 19:42:45

Thank you for sharing.

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