September 1, 2020
hello hello
September 1, 2020
hello hello
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I want to find any way or soft to convert SWF file to HTML5.

someone can help me !!!

thank you !

2021-11-30 04:51:12
2021-11-30 04:51:12

This is a tough one

2020-09-07 07:51:20
2020-09-07 07:51:20

Next step: find some ideas in the presentation about this subject done during the Adobe World eLearning conference in June:

2020-09-07 07:49:14
2020-09-07 07:49:14

That is not a question to be solved with one click or comment. Can you have a look at this post, and watch the embedded captivate file? It is sort of a survey which splits up legacy projects in three categories. That is anyway the first thing to do: identifying the files you have to start with, to see possible workflows.

Conversion to HTML5

The workflows are not yet fully explained in that post because they can be very time consuming. But at least you will have an idea if conversion is possible or if it is a better idea to restart from scratch.



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