September 24, 2020
Help with audio on slides
September 24, 2020
Help with audio on slides
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi all.   I’ve created a project and recorded some audio.   Mostly it is all good but my intro slide shows the slide content for about 1 – 2 seconds and then switches to a blank slide.   I’ve set the timing to match the length of the audio but it’s still doing the same thing.  Any ideas for a fix?  Thanks so much.

2021-11-30 04:33:14
2021-11-30 04:33:14

this happens to me as well but I have not been able to pinpoint the issue

2020-09-25 16:07:40
2020-09-25 16:07:40

Yes, that shortcut is amazing. I couldn’t remember what it was, but if you don’t set your preferences first it is a lifesaver.

And good point about setting your preferences from the welcome screen. If you set your preferences with an open project those preferences relay only to the project.

's comment
2020-09-25 18:42:39
2020-09-25 18:42:39
's comment

A list with all blogs I have written about the Timeline (have presented 3 times on live conferences about the same topic) is to be found in:


2020-09-25 07:17:43
2020-09-25 07:17:43

Agree with Michael. Not understanding the Timeline, which is hidden by default in the Newbie UI, is the main cause of problems like you mention. That was a big mistake when that UI was designed IMO. Please insert a screenshot of the Timeline panel, and it will be possible to explain what happens based on your situation. That may be easier to understand than a pure textual explanation.

One of the confusing things is that Slide audio (I suspect you talk about that type of audio) will continue to play even if you have a button which is pausing the slide. The default timing of each graphic element is set to 3 seconds in the Preferences. I also change that immediately to ‘Rest of Slide’ using the Global Preferences. Those global Preferences can be edited from the Welcome screen, before opening any project.

I popped in especially to give you an alternative to the workflow with the Timing Properties. Open the Timeline panel, select the individual timelines for which you want to edit the timing (use SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple timelines). Keep the Timeline as active panel and use the shortcut key ‘CTRL-E‘ and all timelines will be extended till the end of the slide timeline. BTW you can also use the mouse to drag the end point of a timeline (not recommended in this case because you could end up with the stick triangle). There are more shortcut keys available for editing timelines,  but this one is the most important. Have a look for more information at one of my many blogs about Timeline:

2020-09-24 18:11:16
2020-09-24 18:11:16

This is probably due to your image on the slide disappearing after a certain number of seconds. To change this:

  1. Click on a slide element
  2. Click on timing in the upper-right side of the window.
  3. Change the setting to display for rest of slide instead of number of seconds.

Do that for each element and you should be good to go. Alternatively, you can open up the timeline and right-click on each elements visibility in the timeline and set the item to display for rest of slide there too.

One of the first things I tend to do on a new install of Captivate is set my default timings. Images are usually intended to be on the entire slide and then I shorten them if I want them to disappear.

Let us know if that was issue or not. Hope that helps!

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