At work, I was tasked with converting old .cp files from 2009 to .cptx files so we could re-publish them in HTML5 since Flash is being deprecated.
There were 4 projects needing converting – 2 converted fine but the other 2 somehow lost a lot of content in the conversion – rollovers, buttons, and a ton of regular text. I thought I could just go back to the .cp files and re-convert but somehow the .cp files have the same corruption. The info was all there before the conversion and has been confirmed by a colleague. All I did was open the .cp file in Captivate 6 and re-save as a .cptx. The modified date for the .cp file is still showing as from 2009.
Can anyone tell me where I went wrong and why a simple save-as action made me lose a lot of content? And how I might be able to recover it, if at all?
(I am not a Captivate developer nor do I play one on TV so please be gentle and explicit with any instructions)
I have answered an identical post on the Adobe forum, so wonder if it is the same user but with a different nickname:
@kimU your information is not completely correct. The situation is much more complicated for this use case, and the OP used CP6 for conversion. The reason for the corruption was that files were used from a network drive.
Adobe normally tests releases so that it can open up till two older versions. That is much longer than 2 years.
Hello! I am not 100% on this but I heard once that in order to convert captivate projects you can only convert 2 years up. so your 2009 files, which look to be captivate 4, need to be converted using captivate 5.5, then those can be converted using captivate 7, then with the 2017 version and finally the new 2019 version. I would reach out to Adobe if you don’t have someone with all those versions. I believe I heard this on a Paul Wilson video on youtube. He does have on on conversion with Flash leaving us.
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