Step by step workflow to find, understand and (within limits) edit interactions in those slides.
Many users wanting to take advantage of the Ready-to-go slides available through the Assets panel in 11.5, are blocked when trying to customize those slides. In a previous article I offered a step-by-step workflow to find texts or images you want to replace by your text or images. That was not so hard, and you learned to use several panels (Timeline, Master Slide, Object States, Library).
For Interactions the situation is more complicated. You will not find a complete ‘How-to’ in this blog. Some interactions are rather easy to understand and customize, other interactions however need an in-depth knowledge of Advanced actions and variables. Those slides never use Shared actions, which would be easily found in the Project Library. This blog will try to help you identify the components (actions) of the interactions, how to ‘read’ them and tips for customizing. The workflow will be explained using a Knowledge Check slide from the project ‘Alliance’. The interaction can be told to be of intermediate level. Understanding this workflow will allow you to customize easy and intermediate level interactions. For more complicated interactions this may not be sufficient. Maybe find help from someone experienced in Advanced actions.
Step 1: Find Interaction components
Step 2: “Read” actions (components of interaction)
Let us continue with the same slide from the Alliance project. Select the object KC_1. Its Properties panel shows up, switch to the Actions tab. Open the Advanced action ‘KnowledgeCheck_Select1’ by clicking the Browser icon. It shows a list with 5 lines, which I will label as ‘commands’:
The first command line ‘Assign…. true’: gives a value ‘true’ to a user variable ‘sales_knowledgeCheck_correct‘. The name of this variable indicates that it needs to be true for a correct answer, ‘false’ for a wrong answer. You can check this by reading one of the actions on the three other objects (KC_2…KC_4), where you will read that the given value is ‘false’.
The other command lines are used to change states for the objects, to indicate which object has been selected (active). You can find more explanations about multi-state objects in the first part which I mentioned in the intro.
Open now the unique action ‘KnowledgeCheck’, linked to the unnamed Smartshape_337. In the Timeline you can see that it is the Submit shape button. In the Advanced Actions dialog box you see that this is ‘conditional’ (marked in red). In that case “reading’ will be easier if you switch to the Preview window, which you do with the arrow button top right, which I marked with a green box:
In the Preview window you see that the state of two multistate objects will be changed depending on the value of the user variable sales_knowledgeCheck_correct. Identifying those multistate objects allow you to edit the states as explained in the first blog.
Step 3: Customizing examples/tips
In the example the first answer is deemed to be correct. You can move the shape buttons KC1-KC4 around, to put the correct answer in another location. No problem, the interaction will continue to work as expected.
Less answers
You can safely delete one of the wrong answers in this particular use case. That may not be the case for all interactions. Here however the final action (Submit button) is in no way checking or taking into account the number of answers. You only need at least one correct and one wrong answers.
More answers
If you want an extra answer, you’ll have to decrease the size of the answer shapes KC1-KC4. For the 5th answer you can duplicate one of the answers with the right-click menu or the shortcut key CTRL-D (Cmnd-D on Mac). Use the Align options (or toolbar) in the right-click menu to put everything in place. The name of the duplicate answer will probably start with KC_ as well, but not necessarily be ‘KC_5’. You don’t need to edit the name but I did so (Properties panel) just to clarify. That duplicate answer will have the same states as the source answer. You can check using the Object State panel.
It is however necessary:
- To edit the existing action for the four older answers, because the state change for the new answer needs to be added.
- To create and edit a duplicate advanced action for this new answer.
Editing actions KnowledgeCheck_Select1….
Open one of those actions using the Browser icon in the Actions tab (see Step 2 for a screenshot).
The first command line is fine. The Change State lines set the state for the selected answer to Active, the other answers get state Normal. For all those actions a sixth command is necessary to set the state of the new answer to Normal. Steps for KnowledgeCheck_Select1 are indicated in the screenshot below and you’ll find the numbers in the explanation:
- Select the last command line
- Use the Copy button
- Move to the next empty command line
- Use the Paste button
- Double-click the empty third field and type KC: only the items having KC in their name will appear. Remember: I named the new answer ‘KC_5’
- Choose ‘KC_5’
- Click the down arrow in the next field.
- Choose the state ‘Normal’.
- Click the button ‘Update action’ at the bottom and the action is complete now, including the 5th answer.
- To save time editing the three remaining actions, use the Copy button again on the last command line which sets the state to Normal for the last answer KC_5..
Switch to the action KnowledgeCheck_Select2 using the top right dropdown list:
Repeat step 10 and do the same for KnowledgeCheck_Select3 and KnowledgeCheck_Select4.
Creation of KnowledgeCheck_Select5
- Duplicate the action
- Edit the name to KnowledgeCheck_Select5
- Set the state of KC_4 to Normal instead of Active
- Set the state of KC_5 to Active instead of Normal
- Save the action and close the dialog box.
You still need to attach this new action to the answer KC_5 and you are ready for testing:
Tip: if you want to explore the Advanced Actions dialog box, you can read this blog.
This is only one example of customizing a Ready-to-go slide. Some interactions are more complicated in those projects, some are easier. If you are in for a challenge, look for the Flipcard interactions, Glossary interaction or some Click/Reveal interactions.
Do not hesitate to post questions, comments if you are stuck. If possible I will try to help.
You’re welcome! It is just a start… you’ll probably not be able customize all interactions. I discussed another interaction in my presentation on the eLearning World conference of June. And explained how I would make that interaction more useful as well.
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