November 16, 2020
Financial Capability- What is Money and How do I Relate to it?
November 16, 2020
Financial Capability- What is Money and How do I Relate to it?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

2021-08-28 20:38:41
2021-08-28 20:38:41

Wow, one of the best projects I’ve seen, from the color scheme to the graphics. Thanks a million for sharing.

2021-03-16 08:41:59
2021-03-16 08:41:59

Thanks for the upload. It really kept me engaged, which is the best way to learn I believe.

2020-12-16 16:22:37
2020-12-16 16:22:37

I really like its design and clearness . The sound generally is ok, but is really low on the slide after the money and you drag and drop, after that is good again. All in all really nice.

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