November 13, 2020
How do I animate an outline of a rectangle
November 13, 2020
How do I animate an outline of a rectangle
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I’m in the process of creating some basic learning demos for staff and I’m trying to apply an animation where the outline of a rectangle appears as if it’s been drawn over the area where I’m showcasing (similar to what you see in other training demos for how to use captivate).  Haven’t been able to come across how I would achieve this and any help is much appreciated! Thanks

2021-11-30 03:39:28
2021-11-30 03:39:28

thank you for the reference

2020-11-14 09:29:50
2020-11-14 09:29:50

You asked same question on Adobe forums, and there is an answer:


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