I have tried to put images on our master slides. I have got them into the slides but it do not appear when I am looking the material on preview. I can only see the grey color from the master slide (first one) even our logo do not appear and it is on the first master slide. Text do appear but images does not.
I really would like to use images on our slides. If anyone could give a hint how do this.
I have just started to use Adobe Captivate, so totally new on this issues.
It would help if you added the screenshots. Since you are new to Captivate I suspect you are using version 11.5? Is it the most recent release which is on Windows?
You talk about ‘master slides’, for a responsive or a non-responsive project? Is it the main master slide or one of the daughter master slides? When you create a slide from that master slide, what is the setting for “Master slide objects on top”?
May I suggest that you have a look at the included Quick Start Projects in the Assets panel? Check master slides with images and look at the setup, both of the master slide and the slides based on them.
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