November 10, 2020
Would appreciate your knowledge
November 10, 2020
Would appreciate your knowledge
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi there,

We are still learning Captivate e-learning creations and our manager has asked if there’s a way that we can have a master module that when things change we can update the master with the other modules updating from that master automatically.

As I said, me and my colleague are fairly new to this so would appreciate your help

Thanks in advance

2021-11-30 03:40:31
2021-11-30 03:40:31

wow thank you for the thorough answer, Lieve

2020-11-10 19:48:22
2020-11-10 19:48:22

You need to create a solid custom Theme. Such a theme has several components:

  • Theme colors and Theme fonts: if you have to change a color or a font, it is an easy edit, but you ‘ll have to republish after the change.
  • All object styles: avoid overriding object styles. When you change an object style it will be changed in all the projects using that theme. Again, republishing will be necessary.
  • All master slides: they define the layout of the slides, including quiz slides. Editing a master slide will propagate throughout the slides based on that master slide. Master slides can have interactive objects which trigger advanced or shared actions. They can have inserted system and user variables, so that you just have to update their values.
  • Skin setup
  • Recording defaults, only important if you create software simulations.

Do not use a template, too many issues.  Create one or more libraries with much used assets. You can open such libraries as external libraries in each new project. Such a library can also have Shared actions, which can be used easily in each project.

I am busy with a blog about roundtripping with Photoshop. Importing source PS files keeps a link with those files, and when such a PSD-file is edited by the graphics people, it will be visible in the Captivate projects and you can update the graphics from within Captivate. That is called roundtripping.

You can create a master project, based on that Theme if you want still more consistency. It will be a cptx-file. Make sure to lock the file (read only) so that when it is opened, a copy needs to be saved for a new project.

Lot of information, you can have a look at my blog where you find lot of information about all those features.


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