Is animations triggered by advanced actions possible in Captivate 2019?
Good day – I am pretty new to Captivate; by watching tutorials I have been able to execute click to reveal interactions with advanced actions and multistate objects / buttons.
I have an idea that I am wondering firstly whether it is possible, and naturally following that question is: “How would I set up the interaction?” Please see my rough setup to try and explain what it is I want to do:
On the left side, a multistate object set up as a button, is on one position on the screen. Then I want the user to click on it and trigger 2 actions:
#1 Movement: the object moves across the screen to a new, set position
#2 Another object appears or fades into view on screen during / after the movement of first object, so basically I want Text to fade into view when the “button object” is clicked and moves.
It is important that there is movement / animation involved, not just swopping between different states of an object which makes it abruptly appear in a new location.
Is this possible in Captivate 2019 and how would I build this?
Assistance is much appreciated!
Maybe use an advanced action if I’ve understood correctly.
Object would execute the advanced action when clicked to:
A. Trigger a motion path effect that “moves object” according to the motion path
B. Delay the next action by the time it takes to complete the motion path
C. Show the next object (set to transition with a Fade In effect in Properties Panel > Timing)
For the next object (C) you would position it where it fades in and hide it from initial view (ensure red line overlays the eye symbol in the Properties panel so the object is not visible on output – or in Timeline).
I’m going off the top of my head, so I haven’t tested the above, just my initial thought. But if the Fade In Only doesn’t trigger, then you may have to add it as an effect in the advanced action.
Animation cannot be added directly to a state, but you can have objects in a state which have applied effects.
Beware: never animate an interactive object, because it will lose the actions it is supposed to trigger. That is what is worrying me in your question which is not completely clear ‘…when the “button object” is clicked and moves.”
It would be easier if you inserted screenshots.
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