December 18, 2020
eLearning Unplugged with Adobe Captivate: Know All the Action that Took Place!
December 18, 2020
eLearning Unplugged with Adobe Captivate: Know All the Action that Took Place!
I am an Instructional Designer with 12+ years of experience in different industries and areas, skilled in designing numerous learning and training materials, while working closely with faculty, subject matter experts, professionals, departments, and training team members to design top-quality instructional content. I have been using Adobe Captivate for several years to design industry standard e-learning courses. I am looking forward to learn and share my knowledge in this community.
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With 717 registrations and 195 attendees, Adobe’s eLearning Unplugged with Adobe Captivate knowledge-sharing session witnessed an outstanding response! Held on the 15th of December 2020, the event offered a platform for the winners of the eLearning World 2020 Showcase Challenge as they exhibited their projects created on Adobe Captivate 2019 and revealed the tips and tricks that had helped them along the way. The successful event saw participants from across the globe attending the event to share their thoughts on eLearning in the chat room.

The hosts- Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, lead eLearning evangelist at Adobe, and Avranil Kumar Das, made the session highly interactive and exciting by engaging the participants throughout the session.

Winner’s Tips and Tricks

Callista D. demonstrated her project on Sushi Rolls, which brilliantly showcased the use of Click to Reveal interactions in Adobe Captivate. During the session, Callista shared valuable insights on how she incorporated multi-state objects in her project. Besides, Callista revealed how she leveraged Illustrator and Shutterstock to create top-notch graphics that made her eLearning projects highly interactive. She also explained how creating storyboards helped visualize her projects beforehand.

Greg S. demonstrated his project, Weights Math Problem, which primarily leveraged JavaScript for game-based interaction. During the session, Greg explained his splendid vision behind creating an award-winning project using just 4 slides. The attendees were eager to see the JavaScript codes that Greg wrote to design the project. He mentioned that he learned the basics of JavaScript from a free website called and provided the link to his blog post on Getting Started with JavaScript and Adobe Captivate.

Gunjan R. from eLearning Goodies demonstrated his highly interactive project, Sexual Assault Prevention. In his video recording, he explained how he created the Click and Reveal interactions in his project using Conditional Actions and Variables on Adobe Captivate.

Active Participation from the Attendees

Apart from the winners, some of the participants also shared their tips to create highly engaging projects. On that front, Robyn O., one of the winners of the recent Adobe Showcase Challenge: Fall Contest shared her storyboarding tips in the chat room, which was highly appreciated by the other participants. She mentioned that she uses artboards in Adobe Illustrator to storyboard which makes it easier to export all her assets onto Adobe Captivate.

If you missed out on the live event, you could watch the recording here.

2021-01-12 19:50:56
2021-01-12 19:50:56

Thanks so much again for inviting me to present! I did want to note here however that there were no drag & drop activities in my piece. Just want to make sure there’s no confusion there.

Looking forward to future challenges!

's comment
2021-01-13 11:27:33
2021-01-13 11:27:33
's comment

We were honored to have you present your project for the event. Thanks for pointing out the mistake there. I have edited it. We can’t wait to see your next project soon! All the best!

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