December 7, 2020
Need Hint Captions to Always be Visible
December 7, 2020
Need Hint Captions to Always be Visible
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello all,

I have a project where I have several software simulation files that I need to adjust the hint captions.  Currently the hint captions only appear on rollover of the click box.  My client is requesting that the hint captions are always visible, not just on rollover.  Other than hiding the existing hint captions and manually inserting a smart shape as a replacement, is there an easy way to remedy this?



1 Comment
2020-12-08 08:58:44
2020-12-08 08:58:44

I am sorry, but although you can extend the duration of the Hint shapes/captions, you cannot edit the trigger which is the rollover near the place where you need to click.

If the location of the Hint caption is not important, and it is always the same text to be used, why not insert it on the first slide, time it for the rest of the project, always on top (Timing Properties)? It will remain visible on each slide, until you decide to hide it (probably with an On Enter slide event).

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