January 26, 2021
Assets Window not closing
January 26, 2021
Assets Window not closing
Newbie 5 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi there, has anyone experienced this in adobe captivate.

When I Press the Assets button the window opens but does not close when I press the cancel button, i have to go into task manager to close it all down.

Any ideas?


2021-01-27 12:35:58
2021-01-27 12:35:58

Will check it out and come back to you.


Thanks for that


2021-01-27 11:14:20
2021-01-27 11:14:20

I had other issues with the Assets panel (tooltip not disappearing, inconsistent but annoying) but not that one.

Did you try to clean the Preferences? Find the subfolder ‘utils’ under the installation folder. Close Captivate and run the CleanPreferences…. file appropriate for your OS. The problems may be gone when you restart Captivate after that workflow.

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