January 12, 2021
Engage Learners with Automated & Customized Emails
January 12, 2021
Engage Learners with Automated & Customized Emails
Staff 6 posts
Followers: 5 people

From the time a user is added and registered in the LMS there are a variety of actions they are subject to or undertake, from being assigned roles, to being enrolled in Trainings, to being waitlisted, to being sent reminders, to being sent recommendations for trainings they may like.

If you are an enterprise with a large number of employees, who may at any time be enrolled in a variety of training programs, at different stages of completion, it becomes hard to keep up with the updates of the “who, where, when, and what” in an organized and efficient manner when it comes to their training progress.

The provision of a variety of email notification templates is a very useful tool for Administrators of an LMS, enabling them to decide when an email should be sent and to whom, and to customize it as they see fit. Additionally, learners also benefit from a wide range of email notifications, keeping them posted on their onboarding status, enrollments in Trainings, approaching deadlines, and even how their colleagues are faring on the leaderboard.

Click on the PDF below to download our customer guide and find out more:

Click to go to PDF document

Hope you learnt something new and hope it helped! If you have any feedback or comments please do email me at jaisim@adobe.com. Always glad to hear from you.

2021-01-13 02:12:51
2021-01-13 02:12:51

thank you for sharing!


2021-01-12 13:59:58
2021-01-12 13:59:58

Fantastic guide to emails and templates.  Thanks for sharing.

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