January 22, 2021
Fatal Error
January 22, 2021
Fatal Error
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

So after six hours of creating a Captivate training session and saving my work along the way, I received a fatal error that closed Captivate. Even though I saved my project as I went along, when I re-opened Captivate, everything was gone. Is there a retrieval process that I can use? I am new to Captivate. Thank you, Steve

1 Comment
2021-01-24 09:47:01
2021-01-24 09:47:01

If you have saved at least once during that time, you should have a backup version because since the most recent Captivate release has backup turned on. Backup version is in the same folder as the Publish at folder specified in Preferences.

Another backup can eventually be created from the cache of that particular file in the cache folder. It will not have a name, but a code. Look at the date to identify the right cache folder, zip it and rename the extension to ‘cptx’. Try to open that file.

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