February 1, 2021
Captivate on Macs
February 1, 2021
Captivate on Macs
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 1 people

Anyone else having issues installing Captivate on a Mac?

2021-02-03 05:24:40
2021-02-03 05:24:40

Adobe Captivate 2019 patch update for BigSur MacOS is now available. Click here
Note: You will need to uninstall the existing Captivate program before installing Captivate 2019 for BigSur.
Can you try this and check if it’s working for you?

Ishan Mukherjee
's comment
2021-02-04 04:34:43
2021-02-04 04:34:43
Ishan Mukherjee
's comment

Thanks for sharing this. Coincidentally after reading this post  found an article that I hadn’t previously.
Thanks for sharing.

Ishan Mukherjee
's comment
2021-02-04 21:39:32
2021-02-04 21:39:32
Ishan Mukherjee
's comment

Ishan, does this change the version number and if so, what’s the new version number?

Paul Wilson
's comment
2021-02-05 06:09:16
2021-02-05 06:09:16
Paul Wilson
's comment

Hi Paul,

I work on Windows, so I couldn’t check the version out myself, but from the original forum thread I gathered that this BigSur compatible build version is

2021-02-03 04:16:36
2021-02-03 04:16:36

Not sure where my comment went. Most likely it will be come back. But if it does not, I will try not to repeat myself too much.

Would be nice for Adobe to update Captivate to work with the new Mac OS. I have been reading and checking for any updates but have not seen it come as of yet. I should be more active in my research, but in what I have done, nothing has been found. I am happy that I found this out before installing the software as I would not have been able to use it if I hadn’t.

Hopefully something can work out for you.

's comment
2021-02-03 05:20:57
2021-02-03 05:20:57
's comment

There is a preliminary build if you follow that link that you can download and try. Adobe is eager to help those who have already upgraded to Big Sur.

2021-02-03 04:11:05
2021-02-03 04:11:05

Paul is correct. I have read that Captivate does not work with Big Sur, unfortunately.

What I haven’t read is when it will be compatible. One hopes that an application like Captivate from a company like Adobe would  be on the forefront. So many eLearning software applications are not made for Mac, so it would be nice if Captivate did see an update.

2021-02-03 03:40:26
2021-02-03 03:40:26

There are some compatibility issues with the latest MacOS build. This article here might help you out: https://community.adobe.com/t5/captivate/early-build-for-captivate-2019-release-on-macos-big-sur-macos-11/td-p/11696362?page=1


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