I am looking for help with the Quiz Results page. It shows the “continue” button but when clicking on it, it does not continue. I already put a transparent button over it to continue and also checked for Go to next slide but it still does not work. Adding a clickbox does not work either. What else should I try? Or can someone suggest other options to make the continue button go to the next slide?
Thank you!
First of all, it will not help to put a transparent button on top of the Continue buttons which is the most ESSENTIAL button on the score slide. All embedded objects have absolute priority in the stacking order, so the Continue button is on top of your custom button. Moreover you can only add a shape button, neither click box nor transparent button are allowed on quiz/score slides. I have a sequence about the default settings of quiz slides, part of a whole bunch of articles about quizzing. It looks like most developers are lacking basic knowledge about them, be sure, you are not alone.
You are meant to have at least one slide after the score slide. The Continue button is the one who controls the pausing of the score slide and will also cause the actions defined in the Quiz Preferences, Pass and Fail to happen but only when the last frame of the score slide is reached. You need to set both the Success and the Failure actions to ‘Go to Next slide’. Unless (for failure) you have multiple attempts on quiz level, and want to offer Retake and/or Review functionality.
Here is one link to the sequence of blogs I mentioned:
Quiz Tweaks 5: Results slide – eLearning (adobe.com)
You may need to view some other blogs as well prior to this one. I also have several blogs about tweaking. Use the search functionality to find them.