February 17, 2021
slider in captivate to move a 3d obects using seperate pngs or jps – why is adobe not concentrating on Captivate like other products?
February 17, 2021
slider in captivate to move a 3d obects using seperate pngs or jps – why is adobe not concentrating on Captivate like other products?
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 3 people

Hi there! does anyone know if there is any functionatility for slider control? especially for turning an object round?  Captivate is rather frustrating, they have included VR which is amazing but in other areas they are really lagging behind in basic functionality. I am a designer so use all the adobe products and just feels like its a ‘half hearted’ effort in designing Captivate when it could blow articualte out of the water. If they allowed true crossover fucntionalty within all the other adobe products this would be great! Copme on Adobe, Also lets see a Rise alterantive for Adobe and a new release soon before you lose all eLearners to Articulate.

2021-02-18 11:32:47
2021-02-18 11:32:47

Thanks Greg, but I don’t think this will be possible to move, spin, rotate 3D objects?  Or do I miss something? Please correct me in that case.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-02-19 13:07:58
2021-02-19 13:07:58
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

They asked about using separate PNG or JPG.

A slider could be made to cycle images.
Again – it will need JavaScript

I have an example of a slider changing the state  of an object here.



2021-02-17 20:09:12
2021-02-17 20:09:12

I would also like to know the answers to some of your questions.

Hopefully with a new release sometime this year or next (maybe? Adobe? anything to add here?) we can see some additional functionality. From my own experience, I do see improvements between the previous version I trial a few years ago and the one being used today.  The experts I try to follow (through search as I still cannot follow anyone) know more than I, and have greatly opinions on the different versions.

Hopefully something comes, until then, we wait.

's comment
2021-02-18 09:12:45
2021-02-18 09:12:45
's comment

Since I am using Captivate intensively from version 4 on (first version after Adobe acquired it) the amount of new functionalities being added over the versions is huge. Of course there are always new requests and having a rotator or slider ‘widget’ is only one of them. One of the biggest advantages of Captivate is collaborating with other Adobe applications. Personally I hope for improvement in that domain. Roundtripping with Photoshop is great, with Audition could be improved, with Illustrator it needs improvement. At this moment the former collaboration with Flash Builder should need to be re-installed with Animate CC. I am dreaming of having CC Libraries in Captivate to share colors and all types of assets.  I use Capture a lot when on the road, and easier collaboration with that mobile app and other apps would be appreciated as well as easier integration of JS scripts.

2021-02-17 17:54:37
2021-02-17 17:54:37

I’ve built such an interaction. How I did it was with a multi-state object to represent all the different views. Instead of a slide bar, I created left and right arrows that would repeatedly change the next or previous state of the multi-state object. It’s not a slider but it achieved the same goal of having an object that could be viewed from multiple views.

2021-02-17 13:08:21
2021-02-17 13:08:21

I would say that what you are looking to do is possible.

Here are a couple posts where I use sliders to perform some sort of task.
The slider is not a native component to Captivate so I resort to JavaScript to pull it off.

If you have a bunch of images as part of a multi-state object you would just need to tie your onDrag function to the changing of states for the object.



These posts are a little older and I think I could probably simplify it a bit more today but they can still help you see some possibilities. They will link to the final post in each series where you can more easily jump to earlier ones.

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