March 1, 2021
Adobe Captivate 360 overview
March 1, 2021
Adobe Captivate 360 overview

Adobe had an online event, “A 360° overview of Adobe Captivate”. It was quite good! If you get the chance, it’s worth your time if, like me, you’re a beginner.

The host, Manika, was charismatic, and the course was interactive. She engaged the audience by asking regular questions to be answered through the chat box.

Great idea!

The topics covered included creating more engaging videos through pass-fail quizzes that return viewers to the bookmarked section when they make a mistake. She also covered drag and drop quizzes and virtual reality.

The 25-or-so participants were encouraged to ask questions about their own requirements and the class.

There were a few hiccups, with audio dropouts now and then. But that’s the world we live in now.

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