March 14, 2021
Button download is not working in SABA LMS
March 14, 2021
Button download is not working in SABA LMS
Legend 84 posts
Followers: 63 people


I created a button in my course. I want to download a document in word format and this button works good when we tested locally. We published in html5 format.

It won’t download in Saba LMS. It ends the course instead. Can any one share their idea how to fix it?

2021-03-15 12:38:40
2021-03-15 12:38:40


The callees folder is empty. So I will put my word document to it.

I have few more doubts regarding that:

  1. How to take out the full path on the link?
  2. Is it enough to put in Callees folder?
  3. How the button recognize the link towards the document?

Thanks for your reply

2021-03-15 09:09:19
2021-03-15 09:09:19

You pointed to a location on a drive, which is not an URL.

A possible workaround is to add the document to the callees folder in the published output. Take out the full path on the link. The document will be opened when clicking the button, and you can choose to have it open in the same window or a new window. It is up to the learner in that case to save the document.

If that is not your choice you’ll need to have the document as a web object.

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