March 12, 2021
Updated: Having Trouble Saving Adobe Captivate Files on Microsoft Windows?
March 12, 2021
Updated: Having Trouble Saving Adobe Captivate Files on Microsoft Windows?
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

Update – Saturday, March 13th, 2021 10:30 AM PST

Adobe Engineers have identified the underlying issue which was related to the management of assets in the Asset Panel. This is not the same issue that was identified related to the Microsoft Windows Update on Tuesday, though it may have presented similar error messages.
On Friday, our asset team added a substantial set of additional sounds to the Asset library. A dormant bug in the Adobe Captivate code related to file management was triggered by the substantial number of additional assets.  We are rolling back the additional assets for the moment, to restore functionality as quickly as possible, and are simultaneously working on an update that will remove the file management bug from Captivate.
From a user perspective, this will mean that:
  1. Those new sound files will not be available for a little while longer.
  2. Captivate will simply start working again as it did before, with no action required on your part.
  3. If you installed / tested the hotfix, you don’t need to do anything, you may leave the fix in place.

Now that we are aware of the issue, our engineers are working on the file management solution. We appreciate your patience in this matter and want to thank the many users who aided in testing the updates.

Update – March 13th, 2021 – Early AM
Thanks for your patience while the engineers were working on fixing the issue. We have been able to isolate the issue and a hot fix is working in our internal test environments. We are going through additional testing cycles to ensure no new problems are introduced by the fix.
If you would like to help us test this fix, please reach out to us at using the SUBJECT: HOTFIX TEST VOLUNTEER and we will send you the hotfix along with installation instructions and a set of criterion to evaluate (largely checking all file open, save and create operations, watching for signs of failure or lag.)
Please continue watching this space for updates, and thank you all again for your patience.


On Tuesday March 9th Adobe Captivate users began reporting problems with file save and file creation operations in Adobe Captivate. These were soon joined by several other issues including problems with video and images. This morning, March 12, 2021 the issues reappeared.

Adobe engineers have been working to diagnose the exact cause of the incidents and are making some progress tracing the various issues. While we await a fix for the problem, the engineering team has found that working offline (turning off your wifi or Internet access, or physically disconnecting from the Internet) is a reliable temporary solution to the errors. We recognize that this is not a workable long-term solution but wanted to provide users with an option that may help them complete active projects while a comprehensive solution is found.

Engineers are working the problem now and as soon as we have a comprehensive solution, we will share it with the community here. We are also doing a deep investigation of the root cause of the disruption and will update community on our discovery and on plans to prevent any similar outages in the future once that investigation is complete.

Jan 27, 2024
Jan 27, 2024

Now that I have updated to Version 12 on my Windows 11 PC, my updated files only save to HTML intermittently. Why? I have:

  1. Renamed the files.
  2. Saved in a different location on my system.
  3. Rebooted my PC.
Jun 15, 2021
Jun 15, 2021

Any updates on this issue??
Windows users seem to be unable to open any content I create on my Mac.

Mar 12, 2021
Mar 12, 2021

Captivate is not working for me even when disconnected from the internet

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