I am trying to create a chat window using text captions and icons. In the slide window it is visible, the transitions are aligned and there aren’t any issues. When I play from the time but when I preview the slide, there are icons missing on each text captions. When I preview I do have all items visible. Is there a limit to the number of icons allowed on a slide? Am I missing something?
any updates?
For sure I am missing details to give you a proper answer.
Are you talking about a responsive (Fluid boxes) or a non-responsive project?
What are those ‘icons’? Are they images in bitmap format or SVGs. Please insert screenshots to explain.
You talk about ‘preview’, but which preview did you use? This is linked with my first question: if you are in a non-responsive project, the only Preview which is close to what the output will be is F11, Preview HTML in Browser. The other Preview methods are using a temporary SWF which is now obsolete. Moreover the ‘Play Slide’ is not a Preview method at all, just meant for synchronizing.
If you don’t see the ‘icons’ with F11: check if they are not set to be invisible in Output. Open also the Timeline panel and check if you have interactive objects which do pause the timeline at a certain point. Those pausing points may prevent objects to appear if their timeline starts after the pausing point. Have a look at:
AFAIK there are no limits to the amount of objects on a slide, as long as you can manage them.
It also helps if you mention the full version number (see Help, About Captivate) and the OS you are using.