September 2, 2021
Share your design resources
September 2, 2021
Share your design resources
I am an Instructional Designer with 12+ years of experience in different industries and areas, skilled in designing numerous learning and training materials, while working closely with faculty, subject matter experts, professionals, departments, and training team members to design top-quality instructional content. I have been using Adobe Captivate for several years to design industry standard e-learning courses. I am looking forward to learn and share my knowledge in this community.
Wizard 171 posts
Followers: 145 people

Hi all,

I was wondering, what are your main go to places where you get some inspiration on how to visually design your content?

These are some places I go to:

Please help me add on to this list

2021-11-03 19:22:54
2021-11-03 19:22:54

Once you have the chance to use illustrator in a minimun level , you will have a better option for first desining and exporting your desings to captivate, I beg your elerning coruses will be wonderful.

2021-09-08 19:18:07
2021-09-08 19:18:07

Good information.

2021-09-02 12:30:09
2021-09-02 12:30:09

As a freelancer I work with new clients all the time. If the company isn’t able to provide you a style guide I simply visit the company’s web site. I had to build a quick demo course to win a contract with a new company this week. I found their logo, and an assortment of images from their web site. I also was able to gather their company colours as well. A great tool for this is PowerToys for Windows 10. It includes a Colour Picker tool. Since PowerToys runs constantly in the background you can simply press Windows+Shift+C to open the Colour Picker Tool and gather the exact RGB code or Hex code for any colours on a website just by pointing at it. Here’s a video I did on this awhile back.

You can get PowerToys here for FREE:

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