December 19, 2022
Easy Way to Create a Custom Text Caption Style in Adobe Captivate
Easy Way to Create a Custom Text Caption Style in Adobe Captivate
Easy Way to Create a Custom Text Caption Style in Adobe Captivate
2022-12-22 10:08:36
I don’t understand your answer but will try to clarify my comment.
Text captions have been deprecated a lot in recent versions. In all Captivate themes they are only used at this moment in two situations:
- For the feedback messages during a software simulation (Preferences, Recording) although it is perfectly possible to have them replaced there by shapes as well.
- On some master slides they are used in one default style (only text formatting, no background form with fill or border) to cope with the fact that Captivate has only Object Styles, no Text styles in the style hierarchy.
In all other situations Shapes are used as text containers and I guess that captions will disappear completely in future versions. This is not a new situations because Shapes were new with version 6 and we are now at 11.8.
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