February 20, 2023
Accessibilty for Blind Student to work with Captivate 2019
February 20, 2023
Accessibilty for Blind Student to work with Captivate 2019
Newbie 1 posts
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I’m an instructor and I have Captivate 2019.   In a few months, I have a visually impaired student who will be coming through my course.

Can a visually impaired/blind student work with Captivate 2019 easily?

I know I can make accessible content for him, but can he create games and eLearning modules himself on it?

2023-03-24 21:28:58
2023-03-24 21:28:58

Do they have someone available to assist them? A screen reader?

2023-02-26 15:32:42
2023-02-26 15:32:42

The content you create with Adobe Captivate can be accessible to persons with visual impairments, but it does require that you make any courses accessible. The more complex the course, the more difficult this can be. Suppose you hope the visually impaired student will use Adobe Captivate to create content. In that case, I’m sorry that Adobe Captivate, the application itself, is not 100% compliant with accessibility standards.

Paul Wilson
's comment
2023-03-10 12:53:26
2023-03-10 12:53:26
Paul Wilson
's comment

I appreciate the honesty!  I’m trying to find workarounds without pulling out the big game engines which I hear are accessible, but I’m trying to keep in in the scope of instructional designer. Thanks again.

2023-02-23 09:33:09
2023-02-23 09:33:09

That seems almost impossible to me, because games rely a lot on graphics on the first place.  Sorry about being so blunt about this. I have been a professor in a university college and rather pragmatic. Photoshop was one of the many topics I was teaching. One day I had a blind student, and decided to replace PS by a training for Adobe  Audition. Audition could be used with a screen reader, and instead of editing photos she was able to create podcasts to be used as marketing tool.

You can create podcasts with the Audio tool in Captivate, but there are better tools like Audition for that goal. Would you also ask how to allow hearing impaired students to be able to create audio clips?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2023-03-10 12:59:14
2023-03-10 12:59:14
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Funny thing is they have audio games on the web which require no graphics, like this one here.


I just need to figure if we can make it interactive or stick to the design phase.

2023-02-23 08:13:32
2023-02-23 08:13:32

Do you know whether they use a certain screen reader or magnifier? It might help to know which software so you can test out the accessibility beforehand.

's comment
2023-03-10 13:00:21
2023-03-10 13:00:21
's comment

That’s what we are looking at as well. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

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