February 20, 2023
captivate 2023
February 20, 2023
captivate 2023
Explorer 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

Will I be able top open captivate 2019 files with the project charm captivate?

2023-06-30 02:52:19
2023-06-30 02:52:19

2019 files can not be open in the new charm


Bassam Almesfer
's comment
2023-07-07 07:51:53
2023-07-07 07:51:53
Bassam Almesfer
's comment

I had the same problem. I edited the file name and changed the extension to .cpt. Captivate 2023 can open it now.

2023-02-23 09:41:28
2023-02-23 09:41:28

Sorry, but you should know that everyone participating in the prerelease for Charm has signed a NDA agreement. That means no one is allowed to talk about any features, except for those shown by the team publicly.

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