I am exploring Captivate currently and trying my hands on it. But I am unsure as to how to publish my work so that it can be viewed online. I have no hosting space and plan to create a portfolio. Does the trial version support this? Please guide
I’ve just got the latest version of Captivate at work this week. I’ve not used it for almost 7 years so it’s quite difference to how it was back then. I’m trying to produce some basic simulations which we want to have users access through Sharepoint. Does anyone know if this is possible? I’ve been playing with it and the only option I have to publish the simulation is to html5. What can I then do with this? Thanks
Hello Rosier, thanks for your query and simulations seems to be on everyone’s mind. Feel free to search/ look around in the community for simulations on the all-new Adobe Captivate. Meanwhile, let us wait for our community subject matter experts to respond to your query. If you do not get any responses in 72 hours please feel free to reach out to me and I can work with our product/engg. team for a resolution.
You already got a long explanation by Rod Ward and some supplementary comments by me to exactly the same question in the Adobe forums. Please check that thread:
In summary: Sharepoint is NOT able to be used as a webserver, because it is unable to manage the published output to HTML which is like a webserver. You could share a MP4 file which will lose all interactivity if you only make sims in Demo mode (although I would prefer Video Demo in Classic Captivate) but the new version is not allowing publishing to video.
I have answered this question a week ago but (again) my answer has not been approved for an unknown reason.
If you publish to HTML5 without Reporting set up, you can upload the published output to any webserver. It is possible to set up a webserver on your system or you can use a free one like AWS. You provide the URL to the index.html file to give access.
If you publish a SCO uploading to a webserver is not sufficient because you need a LMS. Within some limits SCORM Cloud allows to upload for free and you can invite testers.
If your course is not interactive (which would be shame) you can publish to MP4 which is passive video and upload for free to YouTube.
Get involved in this community. When you do, you earn points that can be redeemed for a full license of Adobe Captivate that doesn’t have the limited 30-day trial and 30 more days that your published projects can live on. Click on your profile and learn about what you can do to earn those points. Watch this video for additional questions: https://youtu.be/rCzf6j0CFl8
Fully agree with Paul here. The more you contribute the higher the chances of getting Adobe Captivate licenses! Your contribution can fetch points and you can redeem this for an Adobe Captivate license. Please visit our levels page for detailed information.
Check out this video: https://captivateteacher.com/articles/upload-elearning-web
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