Is there somewhere I can get a full explanation of how conversation slides work in the new Captivate? They’re very confusing with regard to how the conversation advances. It’s not clear how the “scenarios” work exactly as part of the larger conversation. They seem to be conversation turns. If so, then how can they play automatically in the timeline? I’m able to make the audio play out automatically for the whole conversation, but the character speech cards won’t. Only the speech cards for the first “scenario,” (or conversational turn) play. The subsequent speech cards won’t play, even though they are properly set up in the time line.
And how does it work with regard to infinite scroll? Infinite scroll treats the “scenarios,” or conversation turns, almost like separate slides. Yet, in other responsive views, the whole conversation is just one slide. Does the scrolling advance the conversation turns, or can the conversation play out on its own, without the need for scrolling. If that’s the case, then do we need to add triggers (interactions) at the end of each conversational turn to make sure the scroll happens? And how, then, does it work with desktop view, if we put in those interactions?
Doesn’t Adobe have instructions for this somewhere? Why is there no user guide which explains all this?
I don’t see any explanation of this in any of the videos Adobe has posted about using the new Captivate.