Ideal Design Behavior: When a seat limit is set for VLT/classroom sessions, learners who enroll beyond the seat limit will be added as waitlisted learners. These waitlisted learners will only be enrolled if any enrolled learners unenroll from the session or if the admin manually enrolls them
Role required: Instructor
As an Admin and Author will not have access to change the waitlist limit, whereas in an instructor role, we can restrict users to stop enrolling once the seat limit is full.
Steps to Follow: As an Instructor >> Select upcoming instances and edit the session >> By default the “Waitlist Limit ” will be “NotApplicable” so change it to 0.
This will refrain learners from enrolling, beyond the seat limit.
Screenshot Before changing the waitlist limit reads as NotApplicable
Screenshot after changing the waitlist limit
In Learner View, if the learner tries to enrol the course, the learner will see the below error message
Special mention:
By changing the value to any number, you can restrict the number of users to be waitlisted.
For Example, if the waitlist number is 1, only one user will be waitlisted apart from the seat limit