July 26, 2023
New Captivate – Audio to Widgets
July 26, 2023
New Captivate – Audio to Widgets

Has anyone figured out how to add audio to a widget? For example I have a flip card widget, I’d like to add different text for each card once it has been clicked.

2023-07-28 10:13:09
2023-07-28 10:13:09

While editing my comment, it disappeared. Another try (what is wrong with this site?).

I explained in my first comment that I don’t get what you really want to achieve: either adding audio to a flipcard when flipped, or to have different texts on multiple flips?

Anyway that probably will not be possible using the Cards widget. Those widgets are very closed. You could do it by creating a custom flip card, using a media block, adding states and interactions. It can be done but was a lot easier to explain in former versions where you could show the script of a shared or advanced action, and they could be reused really. Now only copy/paste remains available, and then finding what needs to be edited.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2023-08-02 20:03:10
2023-08-02 20:03:10
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi Lieve,

Thank you for the reply.

The audio would need to play when the card is clicked. For example, upon entering the slide there might be voiceover advising the learner to click the card. When the learner clicks the card and the additional information shows on the screen, i’d like to be able to add voiceover/audio to that specific card. That plays only when the card is clicked.

Seems like I will not be able to use the built in widgets for this, but will create my own!

Thanks again!

's comment
2023-08-02 20:16:05
2023-08-02 20:16:05
's comment

Indeed, I demonstrated that example on a conference (AWS20), including a Forced view, using a Shared action. Real customisation is a lot easier in Classic Captivate which is a more professional tool than the new Captivate at this moment. It is too much limited to canned templates, and you should not want anything beyond what is in those templates.

2023-07-28 09:12:25
2023-07-28 09:12:25

I don’t fully understand your question. Title speaks about adding audio to a flipcard widget. When does that audio need to play? When you flip a card?

But in the explanation I read: ‘I’d like to add different text for each card once it has been clicked.’ What do you mean there? You want to have more states for the flipcard? What is the link with the title about adding audio?

What I can already tell you: it is very difficult to add features to the closed-off widgets. Only what is offered out of the package is possible. However you can create flip cards without using the widget, using states and interactions. That also allows to play audio or video at the same time as flipping the card (which is a change of state).  It is not as easy to explain as was the case with Shared actions (I offered a lot of them for free) and advanced actions. And reusing an interaction is only possible using copy/paste and re-editing.

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