July 11, 2023
One drop zone for correct and incorrect answers.
July 11, 2023
One drop zone for correct and incorrect answers.

I am trying to use Drag and drop to show which one answer is allowed out of 5 possible answers.  I am struggling as there is only one drop zone, is it possible in Captivate?

Where it says template, I want them to drag the correct answer which is Administration.  My font colours etc.. are still be improved, the functionality is still be added at this point.

If they drag the other 4 options such as Face to Face I want it to show as incorrect and reset to start again.

Thank you!

1 Comment
2023-07-13 12:11:32
2023-07-13 12:11:32

The screenshot is very small and you didn’t make the drag sources nor drop target visible.

It is very simple: define the 5 answers as drag sources, and the empty field as drop target.

Link only the correct drag source to the drop target. Under Correct answers you’ll see that only one drag action is needed. Activate the Success and Failure captions.

It is not very clear what you want to happen exactly after a Failure? How many attempts will you allow, is the D&D slide configured as a question slide or a Knowledge Check slide?

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