August 9, 2023
First update for All-New Adobe Captivate is live (How to get 12.1)
August 9, 2023
First update for All-New Adobe Captivate is live (How to get 12.1)
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

Adobe said they would drop frequent updates for the All-New Adobe Captivate (version 12) and just five weeks after the launch the first update (v. 12.1) has been announced. Users can open the Help: Updates menu item in the All-New Adobe Captivate to update to this new version now.

Adobe recommends all users install this update which fixes a couple of crash bugs, adresses some issues with image filters and image cropping, and fixes several additional bugs. The fix is available for both Mac and PC starting today. To get the fix, just go to the help menu in Captivate and select update.

Adobe Captivate (12.1 update) fixes the following bugs:

  • Captivate didn’t allow you to select any file on macOS while using the Open URL or file action.
  • Captivate behaved unexpectedly when you selected the Text tab of Success or Failure caption of a click box in a simulation project.
  • A valid numeric input in an input field produced an error.
  • Added a retry state for a Drag and Drop interaction when the number of attempts exceeds one.
  • When you tried to apply an image filter on a cropped image, the filter wasn’t applied as expected.
  • Captivate behaved unexpectedly while creating a project on macOS. This happened when Captivate was installed with one user account and another user tried to launch Captivate.
  • Captivate behaved unexpectedly on Windows if you selected the following fonts in a text object.
    • Lucida Bright Demibold
    • Lucida Fax Demibold

One of the bug fixes resolves a problem with the application of filters to images that have been cropped. This should prove very helpful for people taking advantage of both the non-destructive / responsive cropping and the automatic filters.

The team is still planning to do quarterly updates, initially focused on enhancements to the current feature set, followed soon after by updates focused on obtaining feature parity with most of the functionality in Adobe Captivate Classic.

Here’s my blog with details about the two versions of Captivate and how to know when to use which during the transition.

Here’s a link to the 12.1 release notes.

And a link to download the All-New Adobe Captivate (v. 12.1) entirely if you haven’t already installed it.



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