on the 2017 version it was one of the first prompts to start a project via Powerpoint presentation. I cant find that same option with the new 2023 version. Help!
on the 2017 version it was one of the first prompts to start a project via Powerpoint presentation. I cant find that same option with the new 2023 version. Help!
All new Adobe Captivate Version 12 do not have PPT import feature currently. Our product team is working on it and this feature will be introduced in future updates. You can use Captivate Classic Version 11.8.3 to import PPT. Open the below link on the Web browser > Scroll down > Download the setup file for Classic as per the operating system to download and install Cp Classic: https://www.adobe.com/products/captivate/vipdownload.html
Adobe Support
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