Has anyone else experienced an issue of needing to click next twice on quiz questions in order to expedite moving forward to the next slide? Is this a known bug in Captivate 2019? If so, will there be a fix in the 2023 release?
We would like to explore if there’s a better way of doing this, if it’s a bug, does Captivate 2023 have a fix?
Thank you, Paul and Lieve
Although I mentioned changing the action as well, there may be problems with that change as I experienced personally when using this approach in my university college for an assessment. Moving the pausing point towards the end of the slide is foolproof.
There may be other reasons for the lag/delay. It is possible that the Submit process (reason why I added a link) has been tweaked, and a custom Next button was added with a pausing point different from the slide pausing point. Know that 90% of my consultancy/debugging jobs were linked with Quizzes and the type of issues as explained here. I have over 50 blog posts about Quizzing, because documentation is really lacking in the official documents.
The default action to proceed on a question slide is not to press Next but rather click anywhere or press Y to continue. You might think you are clicking the Next button, but in all likelihood, you are merely clicking anywhere. Because the default action to proceed is to continue playing the rest of the current slide, the learner’s impatience may seem like the first click didn’t take. Look at your timely and move the pause point to later on the timeline to have the slide seem more responsive. Alternatively, change the actions for the Quiz panel on your question slide to On Success: Go To Next Slide and on Last Attempt” Go To Next Slide. You can select all your question slides at once and make this change globally.
I never have that problem, which means something is ‘messed’ up on your side. For sure it is not a bug which needs to be fixed but you may need to understand the structure and rules of quizzing (and score) slides better? I will explain a little bit here and point to the first blog post of my basic Quiz course.
Quiz slides are based on quizzing master slides and have a lot of embedded objects. Those are objects without an individual timeline. They ‘carry’ the functionality of the quiz slides. Do NEVER delete any of those embedded objects. If you don’t want some, most can be taken out using options either in the Quiz Preferences or in the Quiz panel for the slide. Each quiz slide pauses automatically at 1.5 seconds, which normally is not a problem except when you add narration to the quiz slide and keep the default actions for Success and Last Attempt. That default action is ‘Continue’ and the learner will have to wait until the frames after the pausing point is visited. My best recommendation is to move the pausing point towards the end, but never to the last frame because that can cause issues in some situation (linked to bandwidth, SCORM template…).
My first guess is that you may have the problem because of the location of the pausing point.
Second possibility: you have deleted an embedded object either on the quizzing master slide or the quiz slide.
Here is a link to the second blog post in my basic course (all is for free on my blog, stupid me).
Hi Lauren, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the inconvenience. My understanding in a nutshell is – the need to click the Next button twice to move to the next slide / question.
I discussed this with one of our engineers and we felt that its best to get you connected with our support team. Please check you inbox for details.
Meanwhile, calling upon Lieve Weymeis s’ , Paul Wilson s’ of the eLearning world for their inputs and subject matter expertise 🙂
Adobe eLearning Community Manager