November 28, 2023
API for creating the External profile
Problem Statement:
API to create the External profile
Role: Integration Admin user.
Brief Description:
There are cases where customers wanted to know the API which can be used to create the external profile.
(OR) They wanted to know the information/payload that they needed to pass in their API call.
Steps to be carried out by the Integration admin to create the External profile
- Log in as Integration Admin.
- Go to Developer Resources.
- Click on API reference
- Authorize as Admin
- Go to enrollment profile: Set of enrollment Profile APIs
- API endpoint to be used: POST/ externalProfiles
- Apply the below payload in the body and try it out. This will create the external profile as per the value passed.______________________________________________________________________
{“data”: {
“type”: “externalProfile”,
“attributes”: {
“managerEmail”: “kkv@adobe.com“,
“name”: “Apple Inc”,
“expiry”: “2029-08-06T18:29:59.000Z”,
“loginRequired”: 20,
“seatLimit”: 10,
“enabled”: true}
For more clarity, please refer to the below video.
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