November 16, 2023
Do Captivate 2019 and Classic have problems exporting to xAPI / TinCan?
November 16, 2023
Do Captivate 2019 and Classic have problems exporting to xAPI / TinCan?
John Ryan Design Pty Ltd is a one stop creative digital agency specialising in Responsive Websites, Mobile Applications, E-Learning, E-Commerce & Multimedia Design & Development. Located in Melbourne, Australia.
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A quick question:

In both Captivate 2019 and Captivate Classic there are Quiz options that allow communication with xAPI / TinCan.
Testing in the SCORM Cloud Preview shows that both initialise the environment and communicate.

However, unlike setting the output for SCORM 1.2 and 2004, when downloading the results (which renders as a Course Details table, a runtime data table, and an interaction data table), the xAPI version only shows the course title in the Course details table, with no course_id, sco_id or sco_title. Neither does it render the runtime data table, nor the interaction data table.
The XML file generated seems to be partially complete – but it’s missing stuff like the Quiz ID, but strangely contains the interaction IDs and the correct/incorrect values as well as the overall pass/fail info.
Can anyone tell me whether this is sufficient for an LMS running Tincan to operate correctly, or should I just be exporting as SCORM?
My client has stated a preference for Tincan, and since the option is available in both versions of Captivate, I can’t see why this should be a problem.
So if you’re using Tincan/xAPI LMS with Captivate, please sing out!

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