November 14, 2023
How can we change/ modify the email address of a user/ learner without losing their Learning History and past completions in ALM.
November 14, 2023
How can we change/ modify the email address of a user/ learner without losing their Learning History and past completions in ALM.
Working as a Product Support Consultant II in Adobe Systems Inc., Bangalore
Followers: 3 people


We usually come across cases/ scenarios wherein few learners in the organization (especially women) are having their surnames changed once they are married. As their surnames have been changed after their marriage, their data in the respective HR Core portals are also getting updated and likewise their email addresses will be changed accordingly. However, since the learners are already enrolled in ALM with their old email address (prior to their wedding), the organization/ customers would want their learning history to be transferred/ retained to the new/ updated email address (post their wedding).
Since the learner’s email address has been changed in their HR Core portals, a new ALM account will be created for the same user with the updated email address. In this case, there will be 2 accounts (1 duplicate account) for the same user in the ALM system. Also, the newly created account with the updated email address of the learner does not contain their past learnings/ completions/ learning history.

This article explains us as to how you can resolve this issue and retain the learner’s learning history and past completions with the updated email address.


For example, let’s consider the learner – Sai Anusha has recently got married wherein her surname has been changed and thus you would like to update the old email address with the updated one.

Old Username: Sai Anusha

Old Email address:

Updated Username: Sai Anusha Mahendra

Updated Email address:

In this case, please follow the below 4 simple steps as a workaround for this issue:

STEP 1: Login as an Administrator and then navigate yourselves to Users tab–> Internal section–> Search for the user –> Select the user with New Surname: —> Go to Actions tab –> Click on Delete user –> Click on Yes button when asked for the confirmation on screen.

STEP 2: Once the new user profile – has been deleted successfully, please go to “User Cleanup” section –> Select the new user profile —> Click on the Edit button (pencil icon) right next to the user profile.

STEP 3: Now change the email address from to and click on “Save” button. Hence, we have now deleted the new user profile that was recently created in the system and then changed the email address to a dummy email by adding “.old” to the email address.

STEP 4: As the new user profile has been deleted and the email address has been changed to a dummy one, it’s time for us to make changes to the old user profile. Hence please go to Users tab –> Internal –> Search for the user with Old Surname: and click on the username. Now, click on the Edit button (pencil icon) right next to the user profile and change the email address from to and click on “Save” button. That’ it, the task has been completed.

Hence, in the above workaround procedure, we have deleted the newly created profile for the user and changed the email address to a dummy one initially as ALM does not accept users with same email addresses. As there are no trainings associated with the new surname, it does not impact the learner. Next, we have edited the old user profile (which has all the trainings that the learner has already completed in the past) and just changed the old email address to new email address. This activity ensures that the user’s training record is retained and, she can go ahead and access her old training modules which she has already completed with this updated email address.

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