I’d really like to save each quiz answer (each answer is one of A, B, C, D or E) as a variable, so that when I review the solutions with explanation videos later in the module, I can reference the variable in the form “Your answer was B” (“Your answer was $$Q2Answer$$”, where Q2Answer is one of my custom variables). This is important for my students: they are young kids, so if I don’t tell them what answer they chose, half the time they won’t remember.
On each slide, I’ve tried to assign a variable (Q1Answer, Q2Answer, Q3Answer etc. – custom variables that I’ve created) for Success and Last Attempt interactions (Interactions ta with the value Question.AnswerChoice, which I know is the standard variable for the most recent answer in a quiz in New Captivate. I’ve also tried to put it in $ signs.
There is also a menu option for “Assign variable” with “another variable”, which looks like what I ought to need, but Question.AnswerChoice isn’t listed among the variables I can assign.
Anyway, I’ve tried everything, but the answer isn’t outputting when I reference the variable on a later slide.
To be clear, I am trying to reference the variable in a later slide in the same file – not in a separate file/project/module. There’s nothing weird or funky here!
I’d be very grateful for some help with this. I’m sure it must be possible, but I simply can’t make it work.
Thank you!
I invited you to the Adobe forum, this eLearning community has not so much visitors helping other users. It is a bit confusing, but the global Adobe forums get more experts around. Here is the link:
The advantage here and on the forums is that you can add images and videos to illustrate the problem. In this eLearning community you can also post a project (cptx) or its output.
Personally I didn’t find time yet to double-check, have to confess that I am not very optimistic because almost all advanced workflows are impossible in version 12. Are you on the most recent version, which is On Windows or Mac?
Thank you for the answer. Adobe told me that the relevant variable wasn’t correctly assigned (that may not be the right way to put it) in the latest Captivate release, and it’s now on their to-do list for a future update.
Thanks for the heads up, it is rare in this community to get a reaction to any answer.
OK, that proves my suspicion that the only (full) category of system variables which is not dropped out of the new version has issues with the change of variables. In all previous versions variables were ‘allround’, it didn’t matter whether the values were numbers, strings or another type. The most complication I expected for the former ‘cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice’ because its possible values. It took me lot of exploration to figure it out, but it has real good use cases. Here is one of the blogs I posted for Captivate Classic:
I hear so many complaints about those system variables and am always frustrated when trying to create any project in the New version (due to my old eyes) that I didn’t yet try to test out all the variable problems which for sure are there. The loss of advanced/shared actions (my former expertise) is not very encouraging neither on top of the new terminology and ‘tons of clicks’-workflows.