December 11, 2023
Is there a way to store context information from a screen capture in Captivate (2019)
December 11, 2023
Is there a way to store context information from a screen capture in Captivate (2019)
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When we make eLearnings about how to use software, is there a way for Captivate to store the information about where the screen captures were taken? For example, if I am learning software that involves orders and payment, could Captivate store the context of payments when I screengrab those slides from the payment part of the software? If so, how do I find that information? I would like to be able to reference it later on.

Thanks in advance,


1 Comment
2023-12-14 09:44:08
2023-12-14 09:44:08

You need to know that I am not a native English speaker, English is my third language. That may explain why I have issues understanding your question well. You point to a software simulation or a Video Demo, both are possible in Captivate. However the New Captivate 12 only supports software simulations. If you want to store information with the raw Captivate file you could use the scratch area in versions before version 12, or put it that on information on extra slides which you hide for output. None of that info will be in the output folder you will publish. Information gathered when the learner uses the published output on a LMS needs to be included in the interaction data transferred to the LMS. With older versions you can also manipulate extra data (like content of user variables) using JavaScript, which will be a lot more complicated with the new version.

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