January 18, 2024
eLearning for Mobile Users
January 18, 2024
eLearning for Mobile Users
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Hi there! Modern learners are surrounded by media and addicted to their mobiles. So how to engage such learners while creating learning programs? What are the best ways and tips for creating effective learning programs that capture their attention and drive meaningful learning outcomes? 

2024-02-09 07:26:13
2024-02-09 07:26:13

Hello! Gamification works in such scenarios. Adding game-like elements to your learning programs can boost engagement and motivation. For instance, in a recent compliance training, I created a quiz with levels, badges, and a leaderboard. Learners competed with each other and earned rewards. This not only captured their attention but also made the learning experience fun and competitive. So, consider incorporating gamification techniques like points, badges, and leaderboards to create an engaging and impactful learning program. 

2024-02-09 07:25:35
2024-02-09 07:25:35

Hi there! Add engaging multimedia like interactive videos and animations for immersive learning. For example, in a leadership course, we used video clips of successful leaders sharing experiences. 

2024-01-27 15:26:15
2024-01-27 15:26:15

Addiction is a sickness. Do not encourage it.

Some topics can be ‘consumed’ on mobile devices, but for sure not everything.

It is simple: create a responsive course with Captivate and realize that some features are unavailable on mobile touch screens which you have on a desktop/laptop. Keep the course short, and be sure to use every workflow to keep the file size of the published output as small as possible. Mobile devices do not have the same power and often will be used on 4+G and 5G connections, not always on WiFi.

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