January 24, 2024
Resetting object ID numbers
January 24, 2024
Resetting object ID numbers
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

I sometimes re-use certain generic slides in different projects, but by doing that Captivate will name objects based on where they were in the old project.  So I’ll create a caption that’s labeled 100 instead of 10, for example.  Is there a way to reset that count other than renaming each one manually?

1 Comment
2024-01-29 09:46:45
2024-01-29 09:46:45

That is called ‘smart labeling’, but indeed you can only edit those names manually. You didn’t mention the exact version you are using, but it is indeed important to have a unique name for each object in Captivate, which is the reason they introduced this.

Without knowing the version you are using which I hope NOT to be version 12 it is difficult to give you a suggestion. But if you are on a version before 12, why do you not use custom master slides in a custom theme to replace those ‘generic’ slides. They may have placeholders. Replace advanced actions by shared action can also be a way to avoid the smart labeling.

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