February 5, 2024
All New Captivate – Can’t Change Simulation Theme/Appearance
February 5, 2024
All New Captivate – Can’t Change Simulation Theme/Appearance

Hi All,

Is there a way to choose the color of text boxes and font type for software demos/simulations that can be applied to ALL slides? I see that I can modify my mouse and then click Apply to All Slides. However, I can’t find a way to do this with the instruction box colors/fonts. The uploaded image is challenging to see – I’ve been able to change the text box color to green and the font to Raleway. All slides after have a default orange textbox and Georgia font.

1 Comment
2024-04-17 08:41:49
2024-04-17 08:41:49


You can change the color and font of a text in an Instruction box. You can add multiple Instruction boxes (upto 20 only) as of Captivate 12.3. However, you cannot apply the change to other slides.

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