February 26, 2024
All New Captivate Multiple Choice Logic
February 26, 2024
All New Captivate Multiple Choice Logic


In all new captivate can you create logic questions that enable you to jump to a slide if the learner has clicked a certain answer and then jump to another for another answer?

2024-03-02 07:16:05
2024-03-02 07:16:05

Yes, it is possible to set a condition for every questions.

maria cristinak50151471
's comment
2024-03-05 15:59:27
2024-03-05 15:59:27
maria cristinak50151471
's comment

Sorry, but the question was about every ‘answer’ not question. That is completely different.

2024-02-27 10:02:14
2024-02-27 10:02:14

You asked the same question on the Adobe Captivate forum, just answered it because there is a lot more chance to get a comment there than here. Can you have a look:


You’ll see that answer is mostly negative. I have worked out multiple workflows in my blog for quizzes. But due to the complete change and loss of advanced/shared actions and lot of system variables I am too tired and frustrated to repeat the exploration of the possibilities in the new version.

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