February 16, 2024
Enterprise / Company Adobe account — am I out of luck?
February 16, 2024
Enterprise / Company Adobe account — am I out of luck?

Can anyone tell me if the New Captivate can be used at all with an Enterprise/Company Adobe account?

I’m trying to work with my IT department to get it installed, but we’re having a lot of confusion.
For other Adobe apps, I would of course download them through Creative Cloud. Since that is not an option for Captivate, and I can’t sign in with an enterprise account, how do I install the new update?

2024-02-19 23:29:09
2024-02-19 23:29:09

Thanks Lieve. I think you misread the first part of my post, I did not say that I could download it from CC. I said that it was not an option.

Just wanted to update that this issue has now been resolved — I did sign in with an individual account to download the installer, then my IT rep installed that, and the app signed in with my Company account.


's comment
2024-02-20 13:19:06
2024-02-20 13:19:06
's comment

Sorry about my misunderstanding. I am glad that you could install the new version.

2024-02-19 10:38:10
2024-02-19 10:38:10

Captivate never has been in the Creative Cloud, so your mentioning that you could download it from it makes no sense. You always have to download it directly from the Captivate page. You will need to find a staff member to answer your question about the Enterprise license conditions.

The biggest problem will be that you need to install the new ‘Captivate Classic’ (11.8) to get access to both the former versions and the new version because both the installation structure and extensions need to change. Know that the new version will probably never be compatible with older versions and you’ll not want to lose access to all previous projects. Know also that the feature set in version 12 is very limited compared with previous versions. Moreover 11.8.2 is still buggy, compared with the very stable version

My recommendation: try to find a system besides your work system, use an individual account and download the trial version of 12 on a system which never had CP installed. You have a month of exploring, and see if your expectations are fulfilled (mine are not).

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