April 2, 2024
Force user to listen to entire audio before moving on
April 2, 2024
Force user to listen to entire audio before moving on
Followers: 0 people

I have two objects on the screen, the user can click either object to begin. When the user clicks object01, audio01 plays. I want to disable object02, until learner hears the entire audio01.

I’m assuming I need to use variables? but I have no clue.

I’m looking for a step by step answer.

2024-04-03 15:51:03
2024-04-03 15:51:03

*Presses play –

*Leaves to get coffee –

* Continues upon return –

Hard to truly force the learner to listen to the audio anyway…

Another consideration –

Would you or the client be OK with implementing a question or two immediately following the audio?

Draft a couple questions that could not be answered unless either A. the learner listened or B. the learner already knew the material.  Either way – it seems the goal is met – which is to ensure that the learner knows the objectives of the course.

If the learner must correctly answer the questions to earn credit for the material and they are not able to – they will eventually go back to the audio to learn the correct response.

2024-04-03 08:42:15
2024-04-03 08:42:15

Just a personal comment: as professor/trainer/coach since decades, I never approve ‘forcing’ when you want the learner to really be engaged in learning. Especially adults.

To be able to help you with your question I first of all need to know the exact version you are using. You find the full version number under Help, About Captivate.

If it is NOT version 12, I could point you to several blogs written to answer this question, using the timeline and/or shared actions to force this behavior. If you allow the user to revisit the slide after a first time, you also need to decide if that forcing has to be repeated on each visit?

If this is about version 12, it will be a lot more difficult to explain how to achieve it. So I will wait for your answers to give this a try.

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