I am new to the 2023 version and I have not used Captivate in years. I have caught on quickly due to my previous experience, but with 2023 being so different, it has still been a task. Anyway, when doing a Simulation, the lesson version automatically sends the viewer from one slide to the next. I can slow it down, but I do not see how I can have it not advance at the end of the video without leaving the playbar viewable. I would prefer to allow it to play through the action, but then not move forward without a button click. But I do not seem to be able to add a button. What am I missing?
I figured out a way around it. I went in and added a bookmark and had it stop media at that point, and then turned an instruction square into a button so that the reader could advance at their own pace instead of trying to guess how long to extend the video out for before it would automatically slide.
You are using the new version in that case. Bookmarks are great, but at this moment there are some problems. I did write out several blog posts about the use of bookmarks both in the new version and Captivate Classic. In non-sim projects each slide has now a pause at the end which is weird. The only way to have them advance automatically like in all previous versions is to add a bookmark at the end of the slide as well with the instruction to go to the next slide. Not very intuitive. Here is a link to the blog post:
If you want to know the difference between static and dynamic bookmarks, read the introduction for which you’ll find a link in this blog. That introduction has also an embedded tutorial.
I see that your comment about a solution was posted at the same time as my first comment, but appeared only now because it waited for moderation. Sorry
Shortcut key is CP, not AC… just a tip.
My recommendation is not to use the software sim in the new version (there are several problems) but install Captivate Classic for the simulations. Just a tip. My biggest problem with the feature in the new version, which tried to mimick exactly the workflow in any Classci version is that due to its focus on responsive projects, the Assessment/Training modes automatically pans and zooms depending on the used device browser resolution. That is really unwanted for that type of interactive tutorial.
Due to your explication, I suspect you are using only the Demo mode, is that correct? You want the learner to remain longer on each slide? Select all slides and increase their duration, which is probably 3seconds. Exception will be the former FMR (Full Motion Recording) slides, where a video slide is created. If your focus is only on passive software sims, know that I never use those (Demo mode) because in Captivate Classic the Video Demo is much more powerful, has a dedicated editor which allows non-destructive edits of all kinds and the result is better quality, you publish immediately to MP4. There is no reason to use HTML output if you do not have interactions.
Another possible workflow is to add a Next button with a pausing point to all slides, but in that case you could take advantage of the master slides in Captivate Classic.
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