April 11, 2024
Using Captivate, I want to import a PPT but I only see options to import CSV files. What am I missing?
April 11, 2024
Using Captivate, I want to import a PPT but I only see options to import CSV files. What am I missing?

Hi all. I am so confused so I hope someone can help. I am trying to use Adobe Captivate, but my options seem limited for some reason, so I must be missing something.  I want to import Powerpoint slides. But I do not see how to do this. Online tutorials seem outdated. They suggest all I have to do is import them. But when I import the only option is a CSV file. I’m on a new project so I can’t have messed up any settings. Even if I want to import the slides one by one as images, I can only do so as part of a prescribed image template (i.e. I have to choose one of the image/text outlines, then click on image and import the image there, but that will look silly because it’ll import an entire slide and portray it taking up part of the slide. Plus, some of the slides have video. So none of this is working.

Can someone help me understand what I’m doing wrong? Thank you!

1 Comment
2024-04-11 09:23:56
2024-04-11 09:23:56

The problem is that at this moment with a license you are entitled to two completely different versions of Captivate (they are incompatible): the New version 12 (which is probably the only one you have installed) and Captivate Classic (version 11.8) which can be used on the same system. The New version is missing a lot of features, and has been release last year. There is almost no content available yet for that version. One of the missing features is importing of a PPT. The import of CSV for quizzes is new in version 12.3 but was missing in the previous versions of 12 as well. Captivate Classic had both CSV and GIFT import (I prefer GIFT a lot).

The tons of tutorials you think are outdated, are all for Captivate Classic, which is not outdated as you understand now hopefully.

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