Is there a simple preference (choice or selection) to set certain slides to auto advance from one slide to another, lets say after audio completes, in the “New” Captivate (2023?) without requiring a button to be clicked? If this has been answered in previous posts and I have yet to find it, please share the post link. Many thanks.
Hi JD5FD6,
Thank you for your query. We also appreciate Paul and Lieve for their inputs.
We hope this information addresses your query. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
Here to help,
Adobe Captivate Support
- Open up your timeline in Adobe Captivate 12 to see a swim lane for Bookmarks.
- Click the ruler towards the end of the timeline and hover your mouse over that spot on the swim lane. You will see a diamond icon with a plus symbol appear.
- Click this icon to produce a bookmark at the position you selected on the ruler.
- Provide your bookmark a name. If you haven’t already positioned the bookmark to appear at the end of your slide, you can click and drag this bookmark toward the end of the timeline.
- When you create or select a bookmark, your Properties Inspector will switch to Interactions. A newly created bookmark has no action, so you will see a warning icon next to Select an action.
- Click this icon to open the Action menu where you can select an action to occur when your timeline reaches this bookmark.
- Set the action to Go to next slide.
This seems like a simple thing, but bookmarks have potentially far more power. Open the …More menu to see all the actions that are available. Keep in mind that you can also run multiple actions, one after the other, and build some interesting functionality for your learners.
It is indeed a completely different approach in this new version. All previous version had auto-advance as default, now needing to click a Next button in the control panel or by using a custom navigation button is the default. I regret very much that it cannot be solved by a simple switch, because I am a long-time Captivate user myself. I never liked a PPT approach, but this version clearly takes over PPT behaviors like the concurrent.
Soon I will post a blog poast about using bookmarks as event triggers (one of the unique improvements in this version), and the first use case is indeed how to restore the auto-advance for old-time users like you and me. Please have some patience, I have learned to avoid giving answers before publishing because the ideas would be stolen.