Hello Captivate Community! I have a course where the quiz questions are ‘sprinkled’ throughout the course at the end of each section. If a learner fails the quiz, I’d like the retake button to take them back to ONLY QUIZ QUESTIONS and not through all of the content slides again. Does anyone know how to program this? I’m not super savvy with Advanced Actions, so would appreciate step-by-step guidance from a patient coach. Thank you! Amy
Hello Captivate community! Hoping someone out there can help. I’m working in Captivate 2019. I have a project that has 4 small videos embedded within. When published and loaded into our LMS it works fine in Chrome on a desktop/laptop. However, when viewing the course on an iPAD the videos are static black rectangles and never progress. I thought perhaps I could convert the videos to .wmv and re-embed them and see if that would work….nope. It looks like I […]
Is there a way to add bullet points to a scrolling text widget? I couldn’t figure it out so instead used an asterisk and line spacing between thoughts. When I published and reviewed, the asterisks showed up as <br/><br/> and all of the spaces between thoughts were removed. I appreciate any advice you may be able to offer! I’m using Captivate 2017.